Lose Weight

The Challenge - GET FIT!!!
Lose 80 lbs in 24 weeks.

To make this more manageable, I have broken it down NFL/NBA Style:
  • 4 Quarters!
  • 6 weeks each quarter
  • Lose 20 LBS every quarter/6 wks
This may not work for everyone but since I have started many diets before and failed, having small goals and a shorter time frame to hit my goals will really help me stay on track.



The Weight Loss Game Plan
My eBook that gives you a step by step exercise and diet guide to lose fat and my 80 pound weight loss journey.

Click Here to view the journey and to buy the eBook, only $2.99


Become a sponsor for as little as $5 per month, contact me for more details.
Eric2Fit @ gmail.com