Lose Weight - 1st Quarter 2/10/13-3/21/13

1st Quarter Goal - Lose 20 lbs

Starting weight 272.5 lbs...

Week 1: Eating more vegetables and less carbs and I walk every evening for about 3 miles. LOST 2. 9 lbs.

Week 2: In addition to week 1, I am drinking lots of water. LOST 5.1 lbs.

Week 3: Starting to run 1-2 blocks between my walks. LOST 4.4 lbs.

Week 4: Running a little further now, about 2-3 blocks. LOST 4.1 lbs.

Week 5: Trying my best to stay on track, I see the results on the scale but not in the mirror. LOST 1.5 lbs.

Week 6: Lost 18 lbs so far, I have to push really hard this last week to meet my goal. LOST 3.2 lbs.

YES! I met my first goal of losing 20 lbs, in 6 weeks actually surpassed my goal.

Weight is now 251.3 lbs...

What did I do:
Planned my meals everyday, so I knew what I was going to eat for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner.
Walked everyday for at least 3 miles towards the end maybe ran a mile straight.

What kept me going:
Watched a lot of motivational weight loss videos on YOUTUBE.

My biggest challenge was just trying to stay focus and not let the weekends ruin my goal.

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