Lose Weight - 2nd Quarter 3/22/2013 - 05/02/2013

2nd Quarter Goal - Lose 20 lbs

Starting weight 251.3 lbs

So I have met my first quarter goal now its time to jump right into the 2nd quarter, as I have said in the 1st quarter, I watch a lot of YOUTUBE videos, which led me to search for exercise videos on youtube, I found a few that I will be working with in this quarter, I will make a separate post for YOUTUBE, which will give you the links to the videos I used and watched for motivation and exercise.

Week 1 - Q2: So now I am exercising early in the morning following the videos from Youtube, and walking/running at night. LOST 2.6 lbs.

Week 2 - Q2: Doing more of the same from week 1/Q2. LOST 2.2 lbs.

Week 3 - Q2: So now I am a little disappointed with my weight loss for the last 2 weeks. So I reviewed what I was doing in the first couple of weeks and made some changes to my diet. LOST 4.4 lbs.

Week 4 - Q2: Feeling really good about the increase in weight-loss, but its a lot harder to lose the weight now than the 1st quarter. Doing pretty much the same thing as Wk3 Q2.... LOST 0 lbs.

From watching videos on Youtube, I knew this week would come where I would lay a goose egg but wasn't ready for it... So I decided I had to make some additional changes to lose weight and make my 20 lb weight loss goal.

Week 5 - Q2: Joined Planet Fitness going 5 times a week, doing at least 1 hour of cardio each day, doing my running on Saturday mornings. LOST 4.2 lbs.
Also ran a 5K race, will write a post about it.

Week 6 - Q2: Planet Fitness is awesome, was a bit skeptical at first but glad I joined I am getting my workouts in and burning tons of calories. LOST 2.9 lbs.

5/2/2013 Weight is now 235 lbs.

So I missed my goal, but its ok, I am glad I got this close only 2.5lbs away, I planned on taking off 3 days for HALFTIME before Q3, so I am hoping I can lose some lbs in those days, since I did not get to my goal I am not taking much of a break. 

What did I do?
Planning your meals is key, make sure you know what you will eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks between. 
Change up my routine, I joined a gym once I wasn't losing weight from the stuff I was doing daily.
Went back to a meal plan that worked for me in Q1 - if you have a written meal plan that you do each week, you can always go back to a meal plan that worked well for you.

What kept me going?
At some point in the last 12 weeks, working out and trying to lose weight has become a very good habit, I actually feel horrible when I don't get to work out.

My biggest challenge was getting over my 0 loss week, my goal is to get fit and not focus on the weight loss but I am all about measuring progress and a 0 week is not progress, but everyone have those weeks you just have to work thru it. 

Leave your questions/comments below, stay tuned for Q3

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