Build Muscle/Strength - Beginner to Advance

Welcome to Phase II of my fitness journey: Build Muscle/Strength (BMS). 

This phase will contain multiple different programs:
Beginner to Advance by Dr. Jim Stoppani
8 Weeks to Muscle & Strength by Eric2Fit
Shortcut to Size by Dr. Jim Stoppani
MuscleUp 12 Week Program by Eric2Fit

After completing these 4 programs, I will decide, if I should be adding more programs to this phase or move-on to another phase on this journey to fitness.

The 12 week Beginner to Advance Program by Dr. Jim Stoppani, broken down into:
  • 4 quarters, 3 weeks each quarter.
  • Lose 4 lbs each quarter for a total of 16 lbs.
  • Gain 2 lbs of muscle each quarter for a total of 8 lbs. 

BMS Beginner to Advance 1st Quarter - Lose 4 lbs of fat and Gain 2 lbs of Muscle!


Gotta eat to grow! Diet will include 250 grams of protein on workout days, mainly from Chicken, Eggs and Protein Shakes. I will be taking multi-vitamins and Creatine each day. Doing the Jim Stoppani Beginner to Advanced 12 week body building program.

Week 1: 206.5 lbs. Gained 1.5 lbs. Went out drinking on Thursday night, I think that killed my week, I was on track to lose 2lbs, I will just have to work hard the next 2 weeks.

Week 2: 203.5 lbs. Lost 3 lbs. Stayed on the diet all week, then Friday night I went out for 2 beers.

Week 3: 201.3 lbs. Lost 2.2 lbs. I am eating yogurt/fruts for my mid morning meal, cut some of the galleries but still has a lot of protein.

1st Quarter Total Weight Loss/Muscle Gain: Lost 3.7 lbs, missed my 4 lb goal by .3 lbs, but feeling really good, after the start I had to this quarter, didn't think I would have come this close to making my goal.

BMS Beginner to Advance 2nd Quarter - Lose 4 lbs of fat and Gain 2 lbs of Muscle!

Gotta eat to grow! Diet will include 250 grams of protein on workout days, mainly from Yogurt, Chicken, Eggs and Protein Shakes. I will be taking multi-vitamins and Creatine each day.

Week 4: 199.3 lbs. Lost 2 lbs. Can't explain how happy and proud I am to look on the scale now and see that I am below 200 lbs, I have gotten so use to seeing 200+, it almost seems weird to see 199.3.
Progress pic, still have a lot of work to do, but very proud of how far I have come. Click here to see my Before/After Pictures.

Week 5: 195.3 lbs. Lost 4 lbs. Losing 4 lbs is great, but I think I need to be eating more, losing too much weight too fast. Never thought I would ever say that! Lol. Worked really hard this week now just have to make sure my diet is in check. Gotta eat to grow!

Week 6: 198.6 lbs.. Gained 3.3 lbs. Let me explain SMH, this was labor day weekend! I went out that Saturday night had a few drinks and I do mean a few! Sunday I pigged out had to get over my hangover. Monday was a holiday and I did a BBQ, ate a lot. Missed my cardio workout on Wednesday, Thursday got free tickets to the Yankees/Red Sox game (Yankees lost), had a few beers, wings and a hot dog. That fully explains my weight gain, had fun but it sucks to see the scale going up.

2nd Quarter Total Weight Loss/Muscle Gain: Lost 2.7 lbs in Total. Current weight 198.6. The plan is now regroup and lose the weight in the next 2 quarters to make up for first 2 quarters.

BMS Beginner to Advance 3rd Quarter - Lose 4 lbs of fat and Gain 2 lbs of Muscle!

Due to my work schedule I been working out in the PM for the past 3 weeks, I am not going back to AM workouts, 5am wakeup! Going to try to reduce my calories/carbs but keep my Protein at 250 grams workout days.

Week 7: 195.1 lbs... Lost 3.5 lbs. This week was a good week, stayed on track with my diet and workouts. Need to do the same for next week!

Week 8: DID NOT WEIGH-IN. Had my sons 2nd Birthday party Saturday 9/21, I usually weigh-in on Saturdays but due to how crazy it was planning this party, I did not get to weigh-in, also missed a few workouts because of it as well, good news the party was a success! Back on the grind, have to finish this quarter strong!.

Week 9: 192.2 lbs... Lost 2.9 lbs. LOST 80 lbs in total, which was my initial goal! Really excited.

3rd Quarter Total Weight Loss/Muscle Gain: LOST 6.4 lbs. Putting my average to 4 lbs per quarter, which is my goal. I am more excited about meeting my initial weight loss goal of 80 lbs, WOW!

BMS Beginner to Advance 4th Quarter - Lose 4 lbs of fat and Gain 2 lbs of Muscle!

I will be cutting back on my diet this quarter, would like to lose at least 8 lbs. The next program, my 8 week to Muscle & Strength will be more of a bulking phase, but I don't want to gain too much weight, so I am trying  to lose extra this quarter. Meals: Protein Shake, Yogurt, BelVita, Quest Protein Bar, Nature Valley Bar, Protein Shake & Chicken with bread or brown rice.

Week 10: 192.9... Gained .7 lbs. I think my diet was off this week, going to adjust my meal plan for next week.

Week 11: 196.5... Gained 3.1 lbs. What a difference a week or two makes. On Thursday we had a job outing, had a few drinks, NY Strip Steak and some APPS, I am positive that affected my weigh in this week! As always going to get focus and kill it for next week.

Week 12: 190.5... Lost 6 lbs. This week was great stayed focus and stuck to my diet/exercise routine. Can't believe I made it to the end of the first 12 weeks already.

4th Quarter Total Weight Loss/Muscle Gain: Lost 14.5 lbs.... I have definitely seen some strength gains, and I can start to see a little definition in most muscle groups. Have to be patient and keep working hard to see even more definition/results.

My review of the Beginner to Advanced Program by Jim Stoppani, its more like a beginner to advance beginner, its a great program and is perfect for beginners, I learned the different splits and how to group my workouts, it helped me a lot in designing my own program.
I did not follow the diet or nutrition portion because I wanted to lose some weight and save some $ on supplements. Thank you for a great program Jim, now I am a Advanced Begginner!

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