Lose Weight - 4th Quarter 06/16/2013 - 07/27/2013

4th Quarter Goal - Lose 22 lbs.

Starting weight 214.5 lbs.

Losing 22 lbs this quarter will allow me to achieve my overall goal of 80 lbs in 24 weeks. Can't believe only 6 weeks left, its been an amazing journey so far, have to finish strong!

I can definitely see a lot of changes in my body, at this point I need to start building muscle/strength. I will be doing a customized 5x5 strength training program, I will share the program if I deem it to be successful. My cardio will mainly be running outdoors 2 days a week 6+ miles each day.
Meals will include protein shakes, boiled eggs for breakfast, turkey sandwich for lunch, chicken  & veg. for dinner, nuts and fruits for snacks.

Week 1 - Q4: Early morning workouts strength/muscle building, have to stick to the plan on the final stretch!. LOST: 2.5 lbs.

Week 2 - Q4: Doing the exact same thing as I did in week1 Q4. LOST: 4 lbs.
I was really surprised by the weight loss this week, but very happy.

Week 3 - Q4: Changing up my diet, Boiled Egg for breakfast, grill chicken sandwich for lunch, fish and veg. for dinner. Fruits and nuts for snacks. LOST: 0.5 lbs.
Was aiming for at least 2lbs but fell short, lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks, not bad but I will need to lose 15 lbs in the next 3 weeks.

Week 4 - Q4: Diet will be the same as Wk3 - Q4, but now I am going to do 2 a day workouts, weights in the morning, cardio in the evening, 45-60min sessions each. LOST: GAINED 0.6 lbs.
This week I did 45-60 min weight training followed by 20 mins of cardio, really disappointed I actually gained weight, I am thinking it could possibly be some muscle gains because I was on point with my diet did more cardio than I did in the past weeks. Can't get discouraged just have to keep moving forward.

Week 5 - Q4: Biggest change in my diet this week will be Green Fruit Protein shakes for dinner, trying to get to at least 200lbs by the end of this quarter, reaching my overall goal at this point seems to be a stretch but I will be fighting to the end. LOST: 4.6 lbs.

Week 6 - Q4: Sticking to my diet of Week 5 Q4.. My current weight is 203.5. I will be satisfied with getting under 200 lbs. So I need at least a 4 lb weight loss.
Not very optimistic about this week, had a great weekend partying, which included Monday my B-Day, also have a dinner party on Wednesday. I am hoping for the best! LOST: GAINED 1.5 lbs.

Lost 9.5 lbs this quarter, my current weight is 205 lbs. See my before and after pics!

WOW! What a journey, I started out this journey at 272.5 lbs not knowing what to expect only focusing on my short term goals and working hard every week to lose as much weight as possible. My goal was to lose 80 lbs, I have lost 67.5 lbs, in 24 weeks. I am really proud and happy for the weight loss achieved, prior to this journey my goal weight was 225 lbs, this journey has given me the strength and confidence to want a lot more from myself.

The journey continues, now I will be moving on to phase 2, building muscle and becoming more athletic.

COMMITMENT AND OBSESSION! I think those are really the two words to describe how I achieved my 67.5 lb weight loss. Not a day went by that I wasn't thinking about losing weight!
Now I will be thinking about building muscle, in phase 2 of this fitness journey.

Thanks for joining me on this journey and good luck on your journey!.

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