8 Weeks to Muscle & Strength

This is the second program in Phase II - BMS.

8 Weeks to Muscle & Strength is a program I designed, the goal of the program is to Build Muscle while increasing Strength.

8 Weeks to Muscle & Strength is a pyramid style program, high reps, low weight to low reps, high weight. This makes the program a hybrid, high reps to stimulate hypertrophy (muscle growth) and low reps to increase strength.

5 Sets; Reps: 15, 12, 10, 8, 5.
Add an additional set to week 8, just 1 rep, your 1 rep max!
Weight increases as the reps reduce.
Weight for each set will be a percentage of your 1 Rep Max goal.
For example if your one rep max goal was to hit a 100 lbs on a exercise, you would do the following:
Week 1-2: 45%, 50%, 55%, 65% = 45, 50, 55 & 65 lbs for last 2 reps.
Week 3-4: 50%,  55%, 60%, 70% = 50, 55, 60 & 70 lbs for last 2 reps.
Week 5-6: 55%, 60%, 65%, 80% = 55, 60, 65 & 80 lbs for last 2 reps.
Week 7-8: 60%, 65%, 70%, 90%, = 60, 65, 70 & 90 lbs for last 2 reps, then 1 rep max.

8 Weeks to Muscle & Strength has two workouts per day; Workout A Compound & Workout B Isolation.

Workout A Compound:
Barbell Row
Bench Press
Shoulder Press

Workout B Isolation:
Add/remove isolation exercises based on your goals.

Depending on your schedule and preference you can do both workouts in one gym session or two (AM/PM), I will be doing mostly AM/PM sessions,  and one session when the workout falls on the weekends.

To maximize the 8 Weeks to Muscle & Strength I will be doing the program every 2 days and rest between days.
I will start on Sunday 10/27/2013; rest Monday, workout Tuesday, rest Wednesday, workout Thursday, and continue for 8 weeks,
This allows me to get enough rest between workouts and switch my workout days weekly.

DIET: This will be a lean bulking phase for me so I will be doing complex carbs, protein and fats for every meal, trying to grow/add 4 pounds of muscle, while cutting fat.

Starting weight: 193.3 lbs

1st Quarter - 
Week 1: 192.2 lbs, I lost 1.1 lbs, I felt really good about this lost. 1st week of the program is awesome this workout has me sore, really feel like it is hitting the muscles.
Week 2: 192.0 lbs, lost 0.2 lbs, adjusting my diet going forward, had whole wheat pasta for lunch this week, wont do that again :), but overall good week, didn't gain weight.

2nd Quarter - 
Week 3: 190.3 lbs, lost 1.7 lbs, really good week, feel like I am getting stronger, at the end of the week my last  2 sets (8, 5) felt a lot better.
Week 4: 189.0 lbs, lost 1.3 lbs, Lost 3 lbs this quarter, in most of my exercises, I feel very good in progressing up in weight.

3rd Quarter - 
Week 5: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Decided to skip this weigh in and enjoy Thanksgiving with the family, which means I ate a lot! lol! Will go hard for the next week,
Week 6: 189.0 lbs, lost 0.... I am happy I didn't gain after a wonderful Thanksgiving, I worked hard to get back on track.

4th Quarter -
Week 7 & 8: 188 lbs, lost 1 lb... Snow, Holidays, Busy at work, a lot of excuses why I only lost 1 lb for the 2 weeks, but lesson learned, I will have to better strategize around the holidays.

Review of the 8 Week to Muscle and Strength - IT WORKS! Thats the bottom line, I got stronger, my goal was to Bench 200 lbs, Squat 200 lbs and Deadlift 350 lbs.... Failed at the 350 lb deadlift attempt settled for 300 lbs, but Bench and Squat goals were achieved, see videos below.

Bench :


Going to take the next 2 weeks off, will also be hunting for new gym, need some free weights!
Happy Holidays!

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