Drinking Water To Lose Weight

If you're looking for quick and easy ways to lose weight, look no further than your very own kitchen. Your water faucet can help shed the water weight and help you look healthier and thinner.

7 Reasons to Drink Water to Achieve a Healthy Weight
  1. Initial weight loss is largely due to loss of water, and you need to drink an adequate amount of water in order to avoid dehydration.
  2. The process of burning calories requires an adequate supply of water in order to function efficiently; dehydration slows down the fat-burning process.
  3. Burning calories creates toxins (think of the exhaust coming out of your car), and water plays a vital role in flushing them out of your body.
  4. Dehydration causes a reduction in blood volume; a reduction in blood volume causes a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles; and a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles can make you feel tired.
  5. Water helps maintain muscle tone by assisting muscles in their ability to contract, and it lubricates your joints. Proper hydration can help reduce muscle and joint soreness when exercising.
  6. A healthy (weight loss) diet includes a good amount of fiber. But while fiber is normally helpful to your digestive system, without adequate fluids it can cause constipation instead of helping to eliminate it.
  7. Drinking water with a meal may make you feel full sooner and therefore satisfied eating less. 
Watch the video below for some additional tips:

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