On a weekly basis I would make a Meal Plan and a grocery list for that meal plan:

Sample Meal Plan 1
Breakfast: Protein Shake
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Grill Chicken Salad or Grill Chicken with vegetables
Snack: Peanuts
Dinner: Vegetables and meat (Chicken, beef, etc).

I stopped drinking juice, drinking only water, making sure I had my 8 glasses of water each day.
Also cut my carbs significantly, I use to eat rice pretty much every day - not anymore :).
No fast food (McDonalds, Burger King, etc) - not even for a salad, its too much temptation.

Sample Meal Plan 2
Breakfast: Yogurt
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Grill Chicken Sandwich on a wheat wrap
Snack: Peanuts or fruits
Dinner: Steamed Cabbage with Jerk/Baked Chicken

Sample Meal Plan 3
Breakfast: 2 Boiled Eggs
Snack: Peanuts
Lunch: Protein Shake
Snack: Fruit - Apple or Banana
Snack: Pop Chips
Dinner: Callaloo / Collard Greens with wheat crackers

I try to get fruits, protein and greens in my diet daily. A professional may tell you, you need something else as well in your diet, which is another reason to consult a professional before you start a plan.

I usually stick to this plan for 5 or 6 days a week, sometimes one meal gets replaced lets say for lunch I may feel for something else that's tasty but healthy, or for dinner I may eat something else as well but I try not to replace more than 1 meal in the plan and that is only done 1 or 2 times in the week.

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